Have you been curious about this EncaustiCamp event?! Watching the posts and wondering who’s in and what you would find if you attended?!
Well, let me see if I can bring it to light for you!
EncaustiCamp 2011: all things Mixed Media and beeswax!
You are greeted as you arrive Wednesday evening by your hopped up host, Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch, and the other instructors and assistants!
With retre
at packet and plan in hand you settle into onsite lodging then gather with the other enthusiastically waxy group in the gymnasium. All things welcoming go down first, quickly followed by an introduction from the instructors and assistants. We then jump right into beeswaxiness with an introductory demonstration from the instructors in the basics of encaustic materials and painting.
Don’t lead yourself to believe this is an ‘I-can-miss-that-I-know-how-to-paint-in-encaustic’ event though! This is a ‘don’t miss!’ kick-off to the flavor, fervor and festivity of the retreat! Even if experienced in the medium, you’re gonna love it
A tasty dessert will be offered after the demo thanks to our wunderbar caterer (aka school art teacher and crew ) as everyone comes together to mill about, get up close to the melted wax, and meet fellow EC indulgencees~
Thursday opens with retreatants preparing their own hearty meal in order to get right at the beeswax! Each group with gather in their respective studios and begin with demonstration and instruction by the uber encaustic-geeked instructor.
The time is all about indulging in the diverse possibilities of partnership with encaustic beeswax so expect to get your serious inspiration on!
As an attempt to avoid overload on the very first day of studio time, we will break for lunch to breath before returning to studio. Shut down for the day is 4:30-we’ll feed our stomachs while gleaning tidbits of information from the participants in the other workshops!
Thursday night’s event includes a dessert bar and break-out sessions-instructors hosting intimate ‘why I do what I do’ discussions and q&a. Retreatees are welcome to settle into one session, or wander among the offerings.
Friday morning begins with a speedy ‘gettin’ at it!’ to the wax. Your second day of the retreat will be a new indulgence in mixed media marriage~ after getting a taste of what’s to come from the previous night’s gleaning we’re all sure to hit the ‘wow’-overwhelming goodness level
Friday night is set aside for selling. All things encaustic and their mixed media buddies will be represented so come ready to indulge!
Saturday’s the last day of workshop deliciousness~Your third and final workshop choice takes place as you collect the last bits of inspiration to take home with you and keep you experimenting and inspiring well into the next year! Looking forward to EncaustiCamp 2012 and all the new stuff to come
Dinner, art show and all kinds of fellowship round out the night before Sunday morning departure~
Can't wait to get at all things indulgy and beeswaxy. It's going to be so good :) join me. in love trish.
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